Part Two: Section 2
XM Weather
Winds Aloft
The Winds Aloft selection provides the pilot with
selectable altitudes. The winds at a given altitude are
selected in the Winds Aloft Alt selection. The selected
altitude is shown along with the product effective
time. Winds Aloft predictions are updated every hour
frequent interval.
The display includes:
• Windbarbs,representingwindspeed,and
• The selected altitude
• The effective time for the prediction.
Winds Aloft are represented by meteorological
one side of the line to indicate wind speed. The barbed
end of the symbol points in the direction from which
in combinations, have the following values:
• Ashortline: 5knots
• Alongline: 10knots
• Apennant(triangle): 50knots
pennant, two long lines and a short line at its upper end
To view XM Weather Winds Aloft:
1. While viewing the XM Weather page, check the
upper left corner of the display. If a weather
product other than “WINDS” is shown, press
the small right (CRSR) knob to highlight the
product name. Turn the small right knob until
“WINDS” is displayed.
2. Turn the large right knob to move the cursor
down to the Altitude field, then use the small
right knob to select an altitude from ground
level up to 42,000 feet (in 3,000-foot incre-
ments). Note that you can move up and down
the atmosphere, comparing wind predictions
at different altitudes.
3. When done, press the small right (CRSR)
knob again to remove the cursor (remove
highlighting from the altitude field).
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