GPSmap 60C
Data Field Options
Sunrise - The time of sunrise for the current date and location.
Sunset - The time of sunset for the current date and location.
Time To Destination - The estimated time enroute to your final destina-
tion, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time To Next - The estimated time enroute to the next point on your
route, if you maintain your current speed and course.
Time of Day - The current time and date. It can be displayed in 12 or 24
hour format in local time or universal (UTC) time.
To Course - Your direction of travel as indicated by a compass, in
Trip Odometer - The running total of distance traveled since the Trip
Computer was reset.
Trip Time - Moving - The length of time your vehicle has been in
motion, since the Trip Computer was reset.
Trip Time - Stopped - The length of time that the vehicle has been
stopped (stationary) while the unit was powered On and tracking your
location (since the Trip Computer was reset).
Trip Time - Total - The total time the unit has been tracking since the
Trip Computer was reset.
GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 70 12/19/2003, 2:05:36 PM