GPSmap 60C
The “General Settings” Map Setup Page
The “Tracks Settings” Map Setup Page
The “Points Settings” Map Setup Page
Map Setup - General Settings
The fi rst page of the Map Setup feature is the General Settings Page.
Use this page: to select the map orientation, “North Up” (with north at
the top of the map) or “Track Up” (with the map oriented in the direc-
tion of travel). “Below” sets the map scale at which the Track Up feature
displays, all scales above that revert to the North Up map orientation.
“Auto Zoom”, zooms the map scale to include the beginning and ending
points of a route. Detail selects the degree of map detail displayed. You
can lock the Position Arrow to display on the nearest road, compensating
for variances in map position accuracy. Use Display Mode to display the
screen in Day or Night mode for increased readability in changing light
conditions. Or... select “Auto” to switch from day to night automatically.
Map Setup - Tracks Settings
The Tracks feature settings, which records a log of your movements
for any given period of time, are accessed from the second page of the
Map Setup. You have settings for maximum zoom for viewing saved
tracks and active track logs. You can set the number of track points for
recording a track and select either a bearing or course line for navigating
a track.
Map Setup - Points Settings
The third page of the map setup feature allows you determine the map
scale at which various map features display. You turn off the display, set it
to Auto or select a value from 20 feet to 500 miles.
GPS Navigation
Map Setup
GPSmap 60C Owner's Guide copy.indd 48 12/19/2003, 2:04:38 PM