
Interface Setup
The GPS 126/128’s interface page lets you specify
the formats for connecting external devices. There are
six options: GRMN/GRMN, None/None, RTCM/None,
, NMEA/NMEA, and None/NMEA. Each
option lists the input format first, followed by the out-
put format.
To select I/O format:
1. Highlight the I/O field, and press
2. Select the desired setting, and press
The GRMN/GRMN setting is a proprietary format
that lets you exchange information such as waypoints,
routes, and track logs between two GARMIN GPS units
or a GARMIN GPS and a PC. There are ten data transfer
options: send alm, send wpt, send trk, send rte, send
prx, request alm, request wpt, request trk, request rte,
request prx.
To select a transfer option:
1. Highlight ‘HOST’, and press
2. Select a desired setting, and press
To disable all interfacing capabilities, select the
None/None setting. If you want to output NMEA data
without any differential input capability, select
DGPS Interface
The last two format settings allow the differential-
ready GPS 126/128 to accept RTCM DGPS corrections
in RTCM 104 version 2.0 format. Using DGPS correc-
tions will improve receiver accuracy to 1-5 meters,
regardless of errors induced by the government’s
Selective Availability (SA) program. Two RTCM options
are available: RTCM/NONE, which allows connection to
a beacon receiver with no output capability; and
RTCM/NMEA, which allows DGPS input and NMEA
Once a RTCM setting has been selected, the GPS
126/128 will either automatically try to tune the last fre-
quency and bit rate you selected or will switch to the
default frequency of 304.0 kHz with a bit rate of 100
bps if no previous beacon has been tuned. You may also
enter your own frequency and bit rate if desired.
Interface Setup
The selectable baud rate is
available for all RTCM
interface options.
Alert messages will signal
any problems with DGPS
126/128 Manual (new) 6/15/98 9:51 AM Page 44