Menu Page
The GPS 126/128’s Menu Page provides access to
additional pages (submenus) that are used to select and
customize operation and navigation setup. These eight
pages are divided into categories by function. We’ve
already gone over the waypoint and route management
pages in their respective sections. Let’s review the rest
of these pages as they appear on the Menu Page.
To select a submenu page from the Menu Page:
1. Highlight the page, and press
2. To return to the Menu Page, press
Distance and Sun Calculations
The distance and sun calculation page will give you
the distance and bearing between any two waypoints or
between your present position and a waypoint. It will
also calculate the sunrise and sunset (in local time) for
a particular date at either your present position or any
stored waypoint.
To perform a distance and sun calculation:
1. Highlight the ‘from’ field and press
. Enter the
desired waypoint, and press
2. Highlight the ‘to’ field and press
. Enter the des-
tination waypoint, and press
3. The ‘date’ field will become highlighted. Press
to enter the date you’ll arrive at your destination, and
If you haven’t marked your present position as a
waypoint or you leave the ‘to’ field blank, the sunrise
and sunset at your present position will be shown.
Message Page
The message page is used to display all messages in
the GPS 126/128. There are two types of messages:
temporary alerts (e.g., approaching a waypoint) and
condition alerts (e.g., WPT memory is full). All mes-
sages are indicated by a flashing on-screen box. After a
temporary alert has been viewed, it is cleared.
Condition alerts are displayed on the message page
until the condition has been resolved.
To view the message page:
1. Highlight the ‘MESSAGES’ field and press
See Appendix C for a complete list of messages.
Menu Page &
The GPS 126/128 will
calculate the sunrise and
sunset times of any stored
waypoint or your present
position. To calculate,
enter the date and year
and press ENTER.
The Menu Page allows
you access to a variety of
waypoint, route, system
and setup features.
126/128 Manual (new) 6/15/98 9:51 AM Page 43