Main Menu Pages
Waypoints Menu Page
Review Waypoint Page
Goto Waypoint:
Navigation Page displaying
Review Waypoint Page Options
To start a Goto from the Review Waypoint Page:
1. On the Review Waypoint Page, press the UP or DOWN button to highlight ‘GOTO’.
2. Press the
ENTER button to activate the ‘GOTO’ with the selected waypoint as the
To start a Goto using the GOTO Button:
1. Press the GOTO button.
2. Press the
UP or DOWN button to highlight the alphabetical tab containing the desired
waypoint, then press the
ENTER button.
4. Press the
UP or DOWN button to select the waypoint and press the ENTER button to
Goto (navigate to) that waypoint.
The Navigation Page is displayed to navigate you to the waypoint destination. Simply
move in the direction the arrow is pointing to reach your destination.
NOTE: You can directly Goto to a waypoint by pressing the GOTO button any
time a waypoint is selected: Press the GOTO button on the Waypoint Review
Page, the Waypoint List Page when a waypoint is highlighted, or the Route Page
when a waypoint on the route is highlighted.
To access the Review Waypoint Page Options:
1. On the Review Waypoint Page, press the UP or DOWN button to highlight ‘OPTIONS’.
2. Press the
ENTER button to display the pop-up Options list.
3. Use the
UP and DOWN buttons to highlight the desired option and press ENTER. The
desired page will then open.
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