Main Pages
Map Setup: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to adjust the map settings including:
Orient Map (Ahead or Northward): When ‘AHEAD’ is selected, the top of the map
is oriented in the direction you are currently moving. When ‘NORTHWARD’ is
selected, the map is always oriented to the North.
Auto Zoom (On or Off): When ‘AUTO ZOOM’ is turned on, the map automatically
adjusts its scale to display your entire navigating route until you manually change
the zoom level. When it is turned off, you must press the UP or DOWN button to
select the appropriate map scale.
Waypoints (Show or Hide): Allows you to view the map with or without waypoints.
Goto Line (Bearing or Course): Toggles between Bearing (always directed at destina-
tion and follows you as you move) and Course (fi xed from your starting location).
Defaults: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to restore the unit to the default Map
Setup settings.
The following option is shown only if you have an active track log:
Pan Track Log: Press ENTER when this is highlighted to move the pointer to any point
along the track. Press ENTER to then start a TRACBACK or a Goto, MARK a waypoint, or
ZOOM In or Out.
The following option is shown only if you are actively navigating to a destination:
Stop Navigation: Press
ENTER when this is highlighted to stop any active navigation.
Navigation refers to any time you are using the Foretrex to guide you to a destination.
Map Page
Map Setup Page
Pan Track Log
Map Page Options
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