Create a New Flight Plan
1. Press FN and then the FPL
function smart key.
2. Press the New function smart key.
3. Use the Large and Small knobs
to select the Origin waypoint and
then press Menu/Enter.
4. Use the Large and Small knobs
to select the Destination waypoint
and then press Menu/Enter.
5. Highlight (green) the departure waypoint and insert a Standard
Instrument Departure (SID) waypoint or airway. Continue until the flight
plan is complete. You may add text comments to the flight plan.
6. The flight plan is named and saved in the Library by the Origin and
Destination waypoints.
7. Pre the EXEC function smart key to execute the flight plan and make it
the active flight plan. Press Menu/Enter to make your new flight plan
the active flight plan.
Activate a Flight Plan
1. Press the FPL function smart key to display the Flight Plan library. If the
active flight plan is displayed, press the BACK function smart key.
2. Turn the Large knob to the desired active flight plan.
3. Press the EXEC function smart key.
Delete the Active Flight Plan
1. Press the FPL function smart key to display the Flight Plan library.
2. Turn the Large knob if necessary to highlight the active flight plan.
3. Press the CLR key.
Edit a Flight Plan
Changing Origin, Destination, & Alternate Waypoints
1 Press FN and then the FPL
function smart key.
2. Turn the Large knob to highlight
the flight plan to edit and press
the EDIT function smart key.
3. Turn the Large knob to highlight
the flight plan name.
4. Press the Origin or Dest or
Alternate menu item smart keys
to change these waypoints.
5. The flight plan is renamed and shown in the Library by the new Origin and
Destination waypoint names.
6. Press the SAVE function smart key to save the flight plan.
Inserting a Waypoint or Airway in Your Flight Plan
1. Highlight a waypoint with the Large knob.
2. Press the ->Wpt menu item smart key to insert another waypoint.
3. Use the Large and Small knobs to select a waypoint and then press
Menu/Enter. The new waypoint will be inserted after the highlighted
waypoint or en route intersection.
4. If the waypoint is on an airway, Airways will be available to insert into
your flight plan. Press the ->Arwy menu item smart key. Use the Large
and Small knobs (or smart keys) to select the Airway and exit waypoints.
Press Menu/Enter.
5. Press the XPND function smart key to view all of the waypoint inserted
automatically by inserting the airway.