Moving Map Mode
The Map mode provides a moving map for a graphic display of your flight
including the surrounding area as well as navigation information. Maps are
generally drawn with aircraft Ground Track at the top of the display (Up). True
North is at the top of the display for the non-moving maps for inserting holds,
procedures, and intercepts. Press MAP twice to go to Map page 1.
1. Press MAP to reach Map mode. Radio, Nav, Transponder, CDI,
Annunciator, or pilot-customized information is shown on the left side of
the display and the map display is shown on the right side.
2. There are four Map pages that you select by turning the Large knob.
3. Turn the Small knob to change the Map scale. Map pages 2-4 allow you
to customize the Nav display items on the left side of the display and map
display detail. Using the Nav Data and Sel Data functions allows you to
select the data fields.
See “Setting Nav Info in Map Mode” for details.
4. Press Menu/Enter to view the Menu items for the choices to customize
your display.
5. Press the key next to the Menu item to change the values.
6. Press the More key to go to the next page of Menu items.
True North
The Map can be referenced to True North after
setting the Magnetic Variation to 0° in the Con-
figuration section of System mode. When set to
True North, the degree values on the map display
will show a “T” along with the degree symbol. To
reset magnetic variation for normal