GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s Manual 79
usIng sonar > sonar Page
Conguring the Sonar Page
You can customize the Sonar page to t your navigational needs. See “Configuring
Main Pages” on page 33 for more information.
To add or remove functions on the Sonar Page:
1. OpentheSonarPage,andthenpressandholdtheDATA/CNFGkeyto
2. UsingtheROCKER,highlightthefunctionyouwanttoaddorremove,and
To split the screen:
1. OntheCongurationwindow,presstheSplit Zoomsoftkeytoshowasplit
PresstheSplit Freqsoftkeytoshowtwodifferentfrequencies.
Using the Flasher
If you prefer the appearance of asher sonars, select the Flasher function on the
Conguration window for the Sonar Page. It provides an almost instantaneous
return of what is below your boat.
Sonar Page and Flasher
The most intense, constant signal on the Flasher is the actual depth and bottom.
The colors indicate the different strength of the signals.
A soft bottom (such as silt or mud) creates as signal that is narrow and
more faint.
A hard bottom (such as sand or rock) creates a signal that is wider.