GPSMAP 3206/3210 Owner’s Manual 117
200 kHz frequency 76
2X zoom 81
4X zoom 81
50 kHz frequency 76
A-scope 81
accessories 112
accuracy 7
accuracy circle 70
acquiring satellites 6
active track log 53
advanced map card setup 71
Advanced sub tab 100
AFC mode 100
AIS 64, 70
alarms 4, 110–111
Alarms tab 58
anchor drag 59
arches 77
arrival alarm 59
atmosphere 86
auto-detect services 61, 86, 97
auto color gain 83
auto gain 83
AutoLocate 5, 7
automatic backlight 61
Automatic Identication System. See AIS
automatic scroll speed limit 83
backlight 5, 61
basic operation 9–31
battery alarm 59
Bearing Line 70, 99
Bearing pointer 41
bearing reference 98, 99
beeper 61
begin transmitting 96
BlueChart 12
BlueChart g2 36, 38, 102
bottom of the water 77
btm (bottom) lock 81
calibrate water speed 83
Card tab 57
Celestial tab 49
center offset 98
chart 69
cleaning 107
clock alarm 59
clutter 77
color 77
color bar 81
color gain 80
color scheme 84
Comm tab 63
Compass Page 41
cross-talk rejection 98
custom range 83
data card slots 1
data entry keys 4
data felds 33
data transfer 64
date/time 103
datums 62
daylight saving 63
Declaration of Conformity 114
deep water alarm 59
default settings 9
delete by symbol 19
depth 62
depth line 81
digital data elds 33
digital navigation data 90
digital selective calling. See DSC
dilution of precision 108
Display sub tab 98
distance units 62
DoC. See Declaration of Conformity
DOP 108
DSC 54, 104
DSC Item Review 55
DSC tab 54
dual beam 76, 83
dual frequency 76, 83
EBL 94
Electronic Bearing Line. See EBL
elevation units 62
ENTER/MARK key 2, 14
entering data 10
enter standby 96
European License Requirements 116
factory defaults 34, 61
Fast Time Constant. See FTC
FCC compliance 114
FCTN key 35
features 9
FIND key 2
sh symbols 78, 84
asher 79
Follow Track 22
frequency 80
FTC 92
function adjustments 35
function windows 35
gain 80, 92
gain setting 77
Garmin Marine Network 4, 32, 35, 39, 43, 45,
65, 66, 95, 112
GDL 30 60, 86, 112
general 86
GMR 20/40 i, 32
GMR 21/41 i, 32
GMR 404/406 i, 32, 96
Go To 21
Go To Point 21
GPS 17 antenna 5
GPS accuracy alarm 59
GPS status icon 6
GPS tab 6, 45
GSD 20 i, 32, 59, 76
GSD 21 i, 32, 59, 76
GSD 22 i, 32, 59, 76
guard zone 92, 94