2 GPSMAP 4000/5000 Series Installation Instructions
You can mount the GPSMAP 4000/5000 series chartplotters one of two ways. You can use the included bracket to bail mount the chartplotter, or
you can use the included template and hardware to ush mount the chartplotter.
You cannot bail mount the GPSMAP 5015/5215 chartplotters. Because of the larger size, you must ush mount the GPSMAP 5015/5215 chartplotters.
Use the included bracket to bail mount the GPSMAP 4000/5000 series chartplotter.
• Drillanddrillbit
• Screwdriver
• Pencil
• Mountinghardware(screwsornuts,washers,andbolts)
NOTE: The mounting hardware (screws or nuts, washers, and bolts) are not included. The holes on the bail mount are 5/16 in. (7.9 mm) in
diameter. Choose mounting hardware that ts the holes in the bail mount and securely attaches it to your specic mounting surface. The size
of the drill bit required depends on the mounting hardware chosen.
NOTE: You cannot bail mount the GPSMAP 5015/5215 chartplotters. Because of the larger
size, you must ush mount the GPSMAP 5015/5215 chartplotter.
1. Usingthebailmountasatemplate,markthelocationofthefourmountingholes.Besureto
NOTE: Mount a GPSMAP 4008/4208/5008/5208 chartplotter 31 1/2 in. (80 cm), and a
GPSMAP 4010/4210/4012/4212/5012/5212 chartplotter 39 3/8 in. (1 m) from a magnetic
compass to avoid interference.
2. Usinganappropriatelysizeddrillbit,drillthepilotholesforyourmountinghardware.
3. Securethebailmounttothesurfacewithscrewsandwashers.
1. LooselyattachthemountingknobstotheGPSMAP4000/5000series
2. Slidethechartplotterontothebailmount,andtightenthemountingknobs.
Mounting knobs ×2