
Galaxy 65 Troubleshooting
7.19.2 Disk Channel Errors
Disk channel errors are similar to disk-detected errors, except they are detected by the Galaxy 65
Subsystem, instead of the disk drive. Some disk channel errors are displayed as text strings, others are
displayed as hexadecimal codes.
Table 7–8 lists the error code descriptions. Most disk channel errors are informational because the
Galaxy 65 Subsystem issues retries to correct any problem. Errors that cannot be corrected with retries
will result in another critical event describing the affected array (if any).
Table 7–7 ?Common ASC and ASCQ descriptions
ASC ASCQ Descriptions
0C 02 Write error—auto-reallocation failed
0C 03 Write error—recommend reassignment
11 00 Unrecovered read error
11 01 Read retries exhausted
11 02 Error too long to correct
11 03 Multiple read errors
11 04 Unrecovered read error—auto-reallocation failed
11 0B Unrecovered read error—recommend reassignment
11 0C Unrecovered read error—recommend rewrite the data
47 00/01 FC CRC error
48 00 Initiator-detected error message received
Table 7–8 Disk channel error codes
Error Code Description
Abort LkDn I/O request was aborted because of third-party loop initialization procedure (LIP).
CRC Error CRC error on data was received from a target.
Dev Busy Target reported busy status.
Dn/Ov Run Data overrun or underrun has been detected.
IOTimeout Galaxy 65 Subsystem aborted an I/O request to this target because it timed out.
Link Down Link down while communication in progress.
LIP I/O request was aborted because of a channel reset.
No Respon No response from target.
Port Fail Disk channel hardware failure. This may be the result of bad cabling.