Galaxy 65 Troubleshooting
7.16 Setting Up and Viewing the Debug
You can set up additional logging when instructed by Rorke’s technical support personnel.
7.16.1 Summary of Debug Log Capabilities
• Single controller debug information: available from the Disk Array Administrator via the serial port
on each controller module. Because of the direct connection of the serial port to a storage controller,
debug information from this port can sometimes provide information unavailable from the Ethernet
port, but this information will only be from one storage controller of the redundant storage controller
pair. This information is available as long as one individual controller can boot, read its flash memory
and communicate with it’s serial port.
• Combined log debug information: available through the SAM via the Ethernet port on each
controller module.
This set of logs will have several advantages over the single controller logs, but will also have a
limitation in that collecting all the log data and passing it out via the Ethernet port requires a greater
amount of hardware/software to be operational than for the single controller serial port case.
Therefore, in some product failure scenarios the combined logs will potentiality have some holes in
the debug data and it will also be necessary to review the single controller logs.
Use the following procedure to collect all three logs:
7.16.2 Collecting Debug Logs
For most problem scenarios you should collect three logs, a combined log from one of the two SAM
Ethernet port connections and a single controller log from each of the two Disk Array Administrator local
serial port connections.
Note If one of the redundant controllers is down we recommend that you restart that Storage Manager module,
if possible, before collecting the debug logs.
A non correctable multiple-bit cache
memory ECC error occurred.
Contact your Supplier.
VOLT/TEMP FAIL The analog-to-digital convertor
monitored a temperature or voltage
in the failure range.
Check that the Galaxy 65 Subsystem’s
fans are running. Check that the ambient
temperature is not greater than 40°C. If
the Power Supply/Cooling modules have
no errors, replace the SM module where
the error occurred.
Table 7–5 Error events (Continued)
Event Definition Recommended Action