8.3 Displaying the GPS
Satellite Monitor Display
The GPS satellite monitor display shows
information about GPS satellites.
1. Press the [MENU] key once or twice to
open the menu.
2. Select SATELLITE.
3. Press the [ENT] key.
Number, bearing and elevation angle of
all satellites in view of the GPS receiver
appear. Satellites being used in fixing
position are displayed in reverse video;
satellites not being used are shown in
normal video.
Figure 8-2 GPS satellite monitor display
4. Press the [MENU] key twice to quit the
SATELLITE display.
8.4 Diagnostic Test
The diagnostic test checks ROM, RAM,
data port, beacon receiver, battery, RTC,
keyboard and LCD for proper operation.
1. Press the [MENU] key once or twice to
open the menu.
2. Select SYS SETUP and press the [ENT]
3. Select “TEST?” and press the [ENT] key.
You are asked if you are ready to start
the test.
Figure 8-3 TEST START screen
4. Press the [ENT] key to start the test.
5. The equipment tests ROM, RAM, data
port, beacon receiver, internal battery
and RTC. The results are individually
displayed as OK or NG (No Good).
Note 1: NONE appears next to BEA-
CON when no beacon receiver is con-
nected to the GP-31.
Note 2: DATA2 requires a special con-
nector to check. 03 appears as the re-
sult when no connector is connected.
Note 3: No program number shown for
BEACON in case of the GP-31.
Note 4: CNT is the number of times test
has been consecutively executed.
Figure 8-4 TEST display (GP-36)