2.1 Enlarging/Shrinking the
Display Range
You may increase or decrease the display
range on the plotter and highway displays.
The horizontal range in the plotter display
is available among .02 (40 yd), .05 (101 yd),
0.1 (202 yd), 0.2 (405 yd), 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10,
20, 40, 80, 160 and 320 nautical miles.
(Nautical mile is the default unit of display
range. Display range may also be shown
in kilometers or miles. Ranges shorter than
the value 0.5 are also shown in yards or
meters.) The horizontal range in the high-
way display is available among 0.2, 0.4, 0.8,
1, 2, 4, 8 and 16 nautical miles.
1. Press the [MENU] key. The zoom, ship
centering window appears.
Figure 2-1 Zoom, ship centering window
Note: The prompt “SHIP TO CENTER?”
does not appear when the highway
display mode is active.
2. Press the [ENT] key. The zoom window
Figure 2-2 Zoom window
3. Press ▲ (increase) or ▼ (decrease) to
select range desired.
4. Press the [ENT] key to finish.
2.2 Shifting the Cursor
Use the cursor pad to shift the cursor. The
cursor moves in the direction of the arrow
or diagonal pressed on the cursor pad.
Cursor state and data
Cursor state determines what data is shown
on the display.
Cursor turned on
Cursor position is displayed in latitude and
longitude or TDs (depending on menu set-
ting) at the bottom of the plotter display
when the cursor is on. The range and bear-
ing from own ship to the cursor appear at
the left-hand side of the display.
Figure 2-3 Data displayed on the plotter
display when the cursor in on
Cursor turned off
The cursor is erased when there is no cur-
sor pad operation for about six seconds.
Ship’s position, speed and course appear
at the left side of the plotter display when
the cursor is off.