
list. If you want backups to occur once a week, select the day of the week from the
Recurrence list. Then select the time.
If you don’t want backups to occur automatically, select “Not Scheduled” from the
Recurrence list (the Time field will be dimmed). Backups will occur only when you start one
Only four backups of each protected disk or partition are saved on the
storage system, so if you back up your disk every day, you’ll be able to
recover data from only the last four days. If you back up your disk once a
week, you’ll be able to recover data from four weeks ago, but the most
recent backup might be as many as six days old.
Although DiskSafe Express is specifically designed to perform backups
without affecting your other computer activities, you might want to schedule
backups for a time when they’ll have the least impact on your system, like
during lunch or after business hours (if you leave your computer running
overnight). If you’re protecting multiple disks or partitions, it is
recommended that you schedule each backup to occur at a different time.
Once you complete this wizard, if a backup does not occur at its scheduled
time for any reason, a message will appear, advising you of this and giving
you the option to perform the backup immediately or wait until the next
scheduled backup.
7. Specify whether or not to back up your disk as soon as you finish the wizard by selecting or
clearing the Back up now check box, and then click “Next”.
If you clear this option, the disk will be backed up at the next scheduled time or the next
time you perform a manual backup.
8. If you ever need to recover your disk using the recovery CD, you’ll be prompted for a
password. In the Recovery CD password text box (Figure 4-16), enter the password that
you’d like to use, enter it again in the Retype your password text box, and then click “Next”.
The recovery CD password must be 12–16 characters long.
The same password is used for all disks backed up to the same storage
system. If you subsequently protect a second disk using the same storage