
17. To add or remove hard drives from the freeStor 4020 at this time, add or remove one drive
at a time, and click “Scan” before adding or removing the next drive.
Note: It is strongly recommended that all of the drives that are to be used in the
final configuration be installed at this time. Adding or removing drives after this
step could require drive reconfiguration and data loss.
18. To accept the default disk configuration (which will provide the best level of data protection
available for the number of hard disks currently installed), click “Next”. By default, a linear
disk configuration is used for a single hard disk, RAID 1 is used for two hard disks, and
RAID 5 is used for three or four hard disks.
19. To change the disk configuration, select the desired RAID level and then click “Next”.
20. The next page will assist in determining the amount of space required for storing DiskSafe
backups (Figure 2-17). If you do not wish to use the system backup capabilities of the
freeStor 4020, select “0” and click “Next” and proceed to step 27. To calculate the amount
of space required, select the number of disks that will be backed up.
Note: A single computer with two hard drives or one hard drive with two
partitions will count as two disks, not one.
21. After selecting the number of disks, a list will appear below with text boxes labeled “Disk 1”,
“Disk 2”, etc. Enter the total capacity of each disk that will be backed up. To determine the
size of a hard drive, open Windows Explorer and right-click on a hard drive (e.g. “C:”) and
select “Properties”. Be sure to enter the total capacity and not just the used space. Click