102 Sprint SmartView Settings
Update Now
Click Update Now to have Sprint SmartView immediately check for available updates. If new
updates are available, an update wizard will appear. This wizard allows you to choose which
updates you want to download and install.
Apply Firmware Update
As part of its update process, Sprint SmartView can download updates to your device's
firmware. Normally, such an update will be installed as soon as it is downloaded. In some
cases, however, you can choose to defer the update’s installation until later. Click
Firmware Update to install an update that you had earlier chosen to defer.
The VPN Tab
The VPN tab specifies how Sprint SmartView accesses Virtual Private Networks (VPNs).
Tools > Settings > VPN.)
Selecting Do not use VPN disables Sprint SmartView's VPN feature. Select this option if you do
not plan to establish VPN connections.
You must choose one of the other two options and fill in the corr
esponding fields if you wish to
do either of the following things:
● Connect
to a VPN by clicking the VPN icon in the main window.