Product Care
Your device is designed to be light, compact and durable. However, it is an electronic
device and must be treated carefully. Putting unnecessary pressure on it or striking the
device against other objects can cause damage.
To avoid damage to your device, please:
• Keepthelidclosedwhenyouarenotusingit.Thiswillprotectthescreenfrombeing
broken, scratched or marred in any way.
• Donotdrop,crush,bend,orapplyexcessiveforcetothedevice.
• Donotexposeyourdevicetomoisture,extremeorprolongedheat,cold,humidity,or
other adverse conditions. Avoid storing it in damp, humid or wet places. It is not
• Cleanthedevicebysprayingamildglasscleanerontoaclothandwipeitssurface.
Do not spray liquids directly on your device.
• Shouldthedevice’sdisplayglassbreak,properlydisposeoftheproductavoiding
contact with your skin, then wash your hands immediately.
• Pleasekeepscreenprotectorsandplasticbagsawayfrombabiesandchildrento
avoid danger of suffocation.
TDC-500 (T-2911-TDC) English manual TLT-28003-00 Rev A.indd 4 2010-7-5 11:31:52