Using the Calculator
1. Press MENU to go to the Books menu.
2. PressTOOLS(F4)togototheToolsmenu.Oryoucanuse or .
3. Calculator is highlighted. Press to select it.
You can choose between a standard calculator and a scientific calculator.
4. Press or to highlight the one you want and then press .
Using the Standard Calculator
The standard calculator can perform basic arithmetic
calculations, memory calculations and percent calculations.
functions are on dedicated keys, but all functions are
automatically active when in the calculator.
1. Type a number.
Press L(+/-) to make a number positive or negative.
2. Selecttoadd(+),subtract(-),multiply(x)ordivide(÷).
3. Type another number.
4. Press (=). Or you can press K(%) to calculate a percentage.
5. Press ,(CE) or CE (F4) to clear the last number you entered.
6. PressM(AC)orAC(F3)toclearthecalculation.
Using the Calculator Memory
Try the following equation to practice using the calculator memory:
1. Press -(MC) to clear the calculator memory, if necessary.
TDC-500 (T-2911-TDC) English manual TLT-28003-00 Rev A.indd 24 2010-7-5 11:31:56