
Maintenance – Electronic Products
Subtrol-Plus (Obsolete - See SubMonitor)
Subtrol-Plus - Troubleshooting After Installation
Subtrol-Plus Dead
When the Subtrol-Plus reset button is depressed and released, all indicator lights should fl ash. If line voltage is
correct at the Subtrol-Plus L1, L2, L3 terminals and the reset button does not cause lights to fl ash, Subtrol-Plus
receiver is malfunctioning.
Green Off Time
Light Flashes
The green light will fl ash and not allow operation unless both sensor coils are plugged into the receiver. If both are
properly connected and it still fl ashes, the sensor coil or the receiver is faulty. An Ohmmeter check between the two
center terminals of each sensor coil connected should read less than 1 ohm, or coil is faulty. If both coils check good,
receiver is faulty.
Green Off Time
Light On
The green light is on and the Subtrol-Plus requires the specifi ed off time before the pump can be restarted after
having been turned off. If the green light is on except as described, the receiver is faulty. Note that a power
interruption when the motor is running will initiate the delay function.
Overheat Light On
This is a normal protective function which turns off the pump when the motor reaches maximum safe temperatures.
Check that amps are within the nameplate maximum on all three lines, and that the motor has proper water fl ow past
it. If overheat trip occurs without apparent motor overheating, it may be the result of an arcing connection somewhere
in the circuit or extreme noise interference on the power lines. Check with the power company or Franklin Electric.
A true motor overheat trip will require at least fi ve minutes for a motor started cold. If trips do not conform to this
characteristic, suspect arcing connections, power line noise, ground fault, or SCR variable speed control equipment.
Overload Light On
This is a normal protective function, protecting against an overload or locked pump. Check the amps in all lines
through a complete pumping cycle, and monitor whether low or unbalanced voltage may be causing high amps at
particular times. If overload trip occurs without high amps, it may be caused by a faulty rating insert, receiver, or
sensor coil. Recheck that the insert rating matches the motor. If it is correct, carefully remove it from the receiver by
alternately lifting sides with a knife blade or thin screwdriver, and make sure it has no pins bent over. If the insert is
correct and its pins are okay, replace receiver and/or sensor coils.
Underload Light On
This is a normal protective function.
A. Make sure the rating insert is correct for the motor.
B. Adjusting the underload setting as described to allow the desired range of operating conditions. Note that a
DECREASE in underload setting is required to allow loading without trip.
C. Check for drop in amps and delivery just before trip, indicating pump breaking suction, and for unbalanced
line current.
D. With the power turned off, recheck motor lead resistance to ground. A grounded lead can cause underload trip.