Application – Three-Phase Motors
Footnotes for Tables 28, 29, and 30
NOTE 1: Furnas intermediate sizes between
NEMA starter sizes apply where (1) is shown in
tables, size 1.75 replacing 2, 2.5 replacing 3, 3.5
replacing 4, and 4.5 replacing 5. Heaters were
selected from Catalog 294, table 332 and table
632 (starter size 00, size B). Size 4 starters are
heater type 4 (JG). Starters using these heater
tables include classes 14, 17 and 18 (inNOVA),
classes 36 and 37 (reduced voltage), and classes
87, 88 and 89 (pump and motor control centers).
Overload relay adjustments should be set no
higher than 100% unless necessary to stop
nuisance tripping with measured amps in all lines
below nameplate maximum. Heater selections for
class 16 starters (Magnetic Defi nite Purpose) will
be furnished upon request.
NOTE 2: General Electric heaters are type CR123
usable only on type CR124 overload relays and
were selected from Catalog GEP-126OJ, page
184. Adjustment should be set no higher than
100%, unless necessary to stop nuisance tripping
with measured amps in all lines below nameplate
NOTE 3: Adjustable overload relay amp settings
apply to approved types listed. Relay adjustment
should be set at the specifi ed SET amps. Only if
tripping occurs with amps in all lines measured to
be within nameplate maximum amps should the
setting be increased, not to exceed the MAX
value shown.
NOTE 4: Heaters shown for ratings requiring
NEMA size 5 or 6 starters are all used with
current transformers per manufacturer standards.
Adjustable relays may or may not use current
transformers depending on design.
(NOTE 3)
(NOTE 1)
5 3.7
200 1 K61 L220B 17.6 19.1
230 1 K61 L199B 15.4 16.6
380 0 K52 L122B 9.4 10.1
460 0 K49 L100B 7.7 8.3
575 0 K42 L825A 6.1 6.6
7.5 5.5
200 1 K67 L322B 26.3 28.3
230 1 K64 L293B 22.9 24.6
380 1 K57 L165B 13.9 14.9
460 1 K54 L147B 11.4 12.3
575 1 K52 L111B 9.1 9.8
10 7.5
200 2(1) K72 L426B 34.4 37.0
230 2(1) K70 L390B 29.9 32.2
380 1 K61 L220B 18.1 19.5
460 1 K58 L181B 15.0 16.1
575 1 K55 L147B 12.0 12.9
15 11
200 3(1) K76 L650B 50.7 54.5
230 2 K75 L520B 44.1 47.4
380 2(1) K68 L322B 26.7 28.7
460 2(1) K64 L265B 22.0 23.7
575 2(1) K61 L220B 17.7 19.0
20 15
200 3 K78 L787B 64.8 69.7
230 3(1) K77 L710B 56.4 60.6
380 2 K72 L426B 34.1 36.7
460 2 K69 L352B 28.2 30.3
575 2 K64 L393B 22.7 24.4
25 18.5
200 3 K86 L107C 80.3 86.3
230 3 K83 L866B 69.8 75.0
380 2 K74 L520B 42.2 45.4
460 2 K72 L426B 34.9 37.5
575 2 K69 L352B 27.9 30.0
30 22
200 4(1) K88 L126C 96.7 104.0
230 3 K87 L107C 84.1 90.4
380 3(1) K76 L650B 50.9 54.7
460 3(1) K74 L520B 42.0 45.2
575 3(1) K72 L390B 33.7 36.2
40 30
380 3 K83 L866B 69.8 75.0
460 3 K77 L710B 57.7 62.0
575 3 K74 L593B 46.1 49.6
50 37
380 3 K87 L107C 86.7 93.2
460 3 K83 L950B 71.6 77.0
575 3 K77 L710B 57.3 61.6
60 45
380 4(1) K89 L126C 102.5 110.2
460 4(1) K87 L107C 84.6 91.0
575 4(1) K78 L866B 67.7 72.8
Table 29 - 60 Hz 6" Motors