
76 FileMaker Pro Advanced Development Guide
DLL files for Windows runtime solutions
The Developer Utilities generate a set of Dynamic Link Libraries
(DLLs) during the binding process. These are in the solution folder
along with the runtime application and bound database files. They
must be delivered as part of the runtime solution. If any of these files
are missing or become damaged, they must be replaced.
Extensions folder for Windows solutions
The Extensions folder of Windows runtime solutions contains a folder
for each language supported and a dictionaries folder. Each language
resource folder contains a DLL file for the language (FMRSRC.dll), a
file containing the text for the interface, dialog boxes, and error
messages (FMStrs.dls), and a file containing the Windows language
ID for the language (lang.dat).
The Extensions folder also contains the Dictionaries folder. The
Dictionaries folder contains dictionary files (*.mpr) for all of the
languages supported. The Dictionaries folder also contains a file for
the user spelling dictionary (User.upr).
Choosing a distribution method
After you have organized the files that comprise your solution, you
need to decide how your users will install them. You can distribute
your bundled solution on a CD-ROM, over a network, or via the
Reducing solution size
If you are planning on distributing your runtime solution via the
Internet, you may want to reduce the size of the solution before you
package the solution. Deleting dictionaries and language resource
files for languages not supported by your database will reduce the size
of the application.
To reduce the size of your solution:
1. Open the Extensions folder that is copied to the runtime solution
2. Delete language resource folders for languages not supported by
your solution.
Important Do not delete the language resource folder for English.
DBConverter.dll omnithread.dll
DBEngine.dll PlatformSupport.dll
DOMSupport.dll ProofReader.dll
FML10.dll ssleay32.dll
FMLayout.dll Support.dll
FMOLE.dll XalanDOM.dll
FMRSRC.dll XalanExtensions.dll
FMScript.dll XalanSourceTree.dll
FMUserModel.dll XalanTransformer.dll
FMWrapper.dll XCore.dll
GdiPlus.dll XDraw.dll
HBAM.dll xerces.dll
libeay32.dll XercesParserLiaison.dll
mfc71u.dll XFC.dll
MFCX.dll XGrfx.dll
msvcp71.dll XMLEngine.dll
msvcr71.dll XMLSupport.dll
NSViews.dll XPath.dll
omniDynamic4.dll XSLT.dll
omniORB4.dll XText.dll