RS-232 port
From the drop-boxes in the port type section, you can select the baud rate, data bits, parity,
stop bits, and flow control for the PC1 serial COM port.
Click Submit to enter your selections.
If you click Cancel before submitting your selections, your entries are reset to the last saved
Defaults are:
Baud Rate:
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow control:
AC receptacle
In the AC Receptacle Settings section, you can do the following:
• Enter a name for the receptacle, which could reect the output device connected to
it, the room in which the device is located, and so forth. The name can be 1 to 12
characters. The following characters are not permitted:
# % + = ~ ` : ; “ ‘ , . | \
By default, the receptacle is named Receptacle 1.
• Select the On or Off radio button to power the connected device on or off.
Click Submit to implement your changes. If you click Cancel before submitting your
selections, your entries are reset to the last saved parameters.
Using the IR Drivers page
The IR Drivers page lets you view the IR drivers that have been uploaded to the PC1 via the
File Management page (see “Managing Files,” later in this section). You can also view
the commands contained within the IR driver, and cause the connected output device to
perform (“play”) any of the listed commands.
For an IR driver to appear on this page, you must rename its file to a number with an
.eir extension (for example, 1.eir, 2.eir, and so forth) before uploading it via File
Management. When the driver is displayed on the IR Drivers page, its device name also is
Figure 20. IR Drivers Page
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