Using the IPL T PC1 Web Pages
The IPL T PC1 features an embedded web server, which includes factory set web pages.
These pages can be replaced with user-designed files, but the default web pages provide
many basic features for configuring, and controlling the PC1 via a web browser. This section
provides an overview of the embedded web pages.
To access the embedded web pages:
1. Launch a web browser (for example, Internet Explorer) on your connected computer.
2. On the browser Address line, enter the PC1 IP address.
If you have previously created a Global Configurator 3 project for the PC1, the web
page opens in the GlobalViewer format. To display it in the default web page format,
enter the PC1 IP address, followed by /nortxe_index.html.
See the IPL T PC1 Setup Guide, delivered with your PC1, for information on using Global
NOTE: If a password has been set, the Enter Network Password dialog box opens. If
no password has been set, the PC1 web page opens, displaying the System
Status page. (Skip steps 3 and 4.)
3. Enter the administrator password in the Password field. Leave the User Name field
Figure 16. Password Prompt Window
4. Click OK. The PC1 web page is displayed.
NOTES: • Passwords must contain 4 to 12 alphanumeric characters. Spaces and
non-alphanumeric symbols are not allowed, and the passwords are case
• Administrators have access to all of the web pages and are able to make
changes to settings. Users can access only the System Status page.
IPL T PC1 • HTML Configuration and Control 22