Error code 38, HIGH DC VOLTAGE
This error code is generated by the motor control unit. The motor control
unit constantly measures the voltage over the mains input. If the voltage
istoohigh(=exceeds a certain limit), the motor control unit will shut off
indicates that the motor is stationary), the motor control unit checks to see
whether the input voltage is still high. If it is, an error code is activated:
The reason for this error code being activated can be high mains voltage
(e.g. power surge). Further information can be obtained by studying the
• OVERVOLTAGE2(specieshowmanytimeserrorcode38hasbeen
• OVERVOLTAGE1(specieshowmanytimesthevoltagelimithasbeen
exceeded. The difference between overvoltage 1 and overvoltage 2
gives the number of times overvoltage 1 has occurred without it being
confirmed when the motor has stopped).
• LASTFAULTCODEN/8(showsthe8latesterrorcodes)
Overvoltage registrations can also occur if there is a bad contact in the
tacho signal. Check also the following registers:
• TACHOCUT-OUTLOWRPM(numberofshorttachointerruptions
during wash rpm)
• TACHOCUT-OUTHIGHRPM(numberofshorttachointerruptions
during extraction rpm)
• CheckthetachocablesiftherearemanyregistrationsintheTACHO
CUT-OUT registers.