Error code 11, UNB. ON AT PROG. START
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The error code means that
the mechanical imbalance breaker, if existing, is already active when the
wash program starts. It can be caused by a defective imbalance breaker,
mechanical problem making the imbalance breaker always active, short in
the edge connection or cables, etc.
This error code is generated by the CPU board. This error code means that
one of the CPU board memories can be defective.
• Tryreloadingthesoftwareintothemachinememory.Ifthisdoesnot
help, the CPU board will have to be replaced.
Error code 13, NO MOTOR COMM.
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The error code arises if the
CPU board cannot communicate with motor control via the communica-
tion cable.
• Checkthatthereispowerreachingthemotorcontrol.
Check the fuses in the Protection Cable. If one of the components in
the Protection Cable is damaged, the cable must be replaced.
• ThencheckthattheindicatorLEDonthemotorcontrolison.TheLED
can be seen by looking down by the motor control edge connections.
• CheckalsothatthecommunicationcablebetweentheCPUboardand
the motor control is intact and not damaged. Measure also with a refe-
rence instrument to see whether there is contact between all the leads
in the communication cable.
Error code 14, LEVEL ADJUST
This error code is generated by the CPU board. The error code arises if the
circuit board’s internal level system has not been calibrated by the manu-