Drinks & desserts
Chocolate with cream
for 1 portion
Total cooking time: approx. 1-2 minutes
Utensils: Large cup (200 ml capacity)
150 ml milk
30 g plain chocolate, grated
30 ml cream
chocolate vermicelli
1. Pour the milk into the cup. Add the chocolate, stir and
heat. Stir occasionally.
approx. 1-2 min. 800 W
2. Whip the cream until stiff and spoon this on top of the
chocolate. Serve garnished with chocolate vermicelli.
Pears in chocolate sauce
Total cooking time: approx. 12-16 minutes
Utensils: Bowl with lid (2 Iitre capacity)
Bowl with lid (1 Iitre capacity)
4 pears (600 g)
60 g sugar
1 packet of vanilla sugar (10 g)
1 tbsp pear liqueur, 30% proof
150 ml water
130 g plain chocolate, broken into pieces
100 g crème fraiche
1. Peel the pears, keeping them whole.
2. Put sugar, vanilla sugar, liqueur and water into the
bowl. Stir and heat.
1-2 min. 800 W
3. Place the pears in the juice, cover and cook.
9-11 min. 800 W
Take the pears out of the juice and allow to cool.
4. Put 50 ml of the juice in the small bowl, add the cream
and chocolate. Cover and heat.
2-3 min. 800 W
5. Stir the sauce well and pour over the pears to serve.
Tip: You could also serve this with vanilla ice cream.
Fiery drink
for 10 portions
Total cooking time: approx. 9-11 minutes
Utensils: Bowl with lid (2 Iitre capacity)
500 ml white wine
500 ml red wine, dry
500 ml rum, 54% proof
1 whole orange, untreated
3 cinnamon sticks
75 g sugar
10 tsp rock candy
1. Pour the alcohol into the bowl. Peel the orange so that
the peel is thin and put this in the alcohol together
with the cinnamon and sugar. Cover and heat.
9-11 min. 800 W
Remove the peel and cinnamon. Put one teaspoon of
the rock candy into each grog glass, top up with the
fiery drink and serve.
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