Cooking charts
Meat for roasting 1500 80 W 58-64 Place on an upturned plate, turn over 30-90
(e.g. Pork, Beef, 1000 80 W 42-48 halfway through defrosting 30-90
Lamb, Veal) 500 80 W 19-23 30-90
Steaks, Cutlets, 200 240 W 4-5 Turn over halfway through defrosting 10-15
Goulash 500 240 W 8-12 Stir halfway through defrosting 15-30
Sausages, 8 600 240 W 6-9 Place next to each other, turn over half 5-10
4 300 240 W 4-5 way through defrosting 5-10
Duck/Turkey 1500 80 W 48-52 Place on an upturned plate, turn over 30-90
halfway through defrosting
Chicken 1200 80 W 39-43 Place on an upturned plate, turn over 30-90
halfway through defrosting
1000 80 W 33-37 Place on an upturned plate, turn over 30-90
halfway through defrosting
Chicken legs 200 240 W 4-5 Turn over halfway through defrosting 10-15
Fish in pieces 800 240 W 9-12 Turn over halfway through defrosting 10-15
Fish fillet 400 240 W 7-10 Turn over halfway through defrosting 5-10
Crab 300 240 W 6-8 Turn over halfway through defrosting 5
and remove defrosted parts
Bread rolls, 2 80 240 W approx. 1 Only begin to defrost -
Coarse wholemeal bread 250 240 W 2-4 Place slices next to each other, 5
in slices only begin to defrost
Slices of Toast bread
Mixed flour bread, whole loaf 500 240 W 6-8 Turn over halfway through defrosting 15
White bread, whole loaf (centre will still be frozen)
Cake, 1 slice 150 80 W 2-5 Place on a plate 5
Cream cake, 1 slice 80 W 3-4 Place on a plate 10
Whole cake, Ø 25 cm 80 W 18-20 Place on a plate. When half defrosted, 30-60
cut in to slices and leave until cake is
fully defrosted
Cream 200 240 W 2+2 Remove lid. When half defrosted, put in 5-10
a dish and allow to finish defrosting
Butter 250 240 W 2-4 Only begin to defrost 15
Fruit e.g. strawberries 250 240 W 4-5 Place next to each other, spread out evenly 5
raspberries, cherries, plums Turn over halfway through defrosting
The times shown in the table are guidelines which may vary according to freezing temperature, quality and weight
of the foodstuffs.
Food / Drink Quantity Setting Power Time Hints Standing time
-g- -Level- -Min- -Min-
2. AG-61+62D-UK English 20/05/2004 15:31 Page 24