Removal of scale
Depending on how the reference machine is to be used, wet parts should
be descaled on a regular basis.
• Toremoveandpreventtheformationofscaleininstanceswherethe
machine is used in a hard water area, implement the following proce-
o Put 0.5 kg of citric acid in the detergent department.
o Start program Cotton 85ºC.
o Rinse the reference machine again by running the Cotton 85ºC pro-
Removal of residual detergent
Detergent may accumulate in certain parts of the machine and may also
form part of deposits on the inner side of the outer drum.
• Detergentmayaccumulateinthehosebetweenthedrumandtheexter-
nal tap valve. Remove the valve and clean the hose using bottle cleaner.
Flush the hose with water to ensure that no detergent remains.
• Detergentmayalsoaccumulateinthehosebetweenthedrumandthe
external level glass. Clean the glass and hose using bottle cleaner. Flush
the hose with water to ensure that no detergent remains.
• RunaCotton85°CorCotton60°Cprogramwiththemachineemptyand
without detergent on a regular basis. If foam is visible during the main
wash, repeat the Cotton program until no "stable" foam is visible.
Cleaning the machine