SHOW WEIGHT TIMEOUT 20 Time the weight is shown in the display before the
normal display is restored. 1 step = 1 sec
PC5 BLOCKING OF HEATING N Parameter for parallel operation of commercial wash-
ers. Not used in FOM 71 CLS operations
HEAT 2 STANDARD N For machines with dual heating systems. Selects
which system that shall have priority. Not used in
FOM 71 CLS operations.
SERVICE ALARM, HOURS 0 Time between service information calls. Parameter
for commercial machines not used in FOM 71 CLS
BUZZER TIMEOUT AT END 3 Buzzer on time at the end of a wash process. 1 step
= 1 sec
BUZZER TIMEOUT AT PAUSE 10 Buzzer on time at the activation of a programmed
pause. 1 step = 1 sec
ERROR, OVERFILLED N If N no overfilling error message. Levels above the
over fill level allowed.
PASSWORD ACTIVE N No password required. If Y password needed in
order to start the machine.
CMIS ADDRESS 0 Address for commercial management system. Not
used in FOM 71 CLS operations.
LEVEL IN MM ACTIVE N If Y the level values are in mm from bottom of the
drum. For FOM 71 CLS the highest possible level
exceeds the number of available software bites and
therefore the levels are measured in RU units (1 RU
unit = 2 mm)
START SLOW FILLING HG 10 Amount of water to be filled through the 5litre/min
valve at the end of the filling sequence when using
the scale in order to increase the accuracy. Value in
hg (1 hg = 0.1 Kg)
OFF SET LEVEL HG - 2 Offset value (negative) for the scale calculation elimi-
nating delays in control and valve systems. Value in
hg (1 hg = 0.1 Kg) Value entered
From software 1.7 and machine serial
number 52049196
0 Amount of water to be filled through the 5litre/min
valve at the end of the filling sequence when using
the level control in order to increase the accuracy.
Value in hg (1 hg = 0.1 Kg)
IS TEMP ADJUST ADD 0 Temperature calibration. Add increases actual
temperature signal to the control unit. Step ~0.7 ºC.
Result will be a lower wash temperature.
IS TEMP ADJUST SUB 3 Temperature calibration. Sub decreases actual
temperature signal to the control unit. Step ~0.7 ºC.
Result will be a higher wash temperature.
Adjustment of temperature, speed and water
Table 1: Parameters in Settings 1