110098-01F 7
WARNING: Never service heater while it is plugged in, operating
or hot. Severe burns and electrical shock can occur. Only a qualified
service person should service and repair heater.
Motor does not start when heater
is plugged in and thermostat set
ting is higher than surrounding
air temperature
1. A) Check condition of power
cord or extension cord. Repair
or replace if damaged
B) Use extension cord with
proper wire size (see To Start
Heater, page 4)
C) Make sure heater is plugged
into 120 volt/60 hertz outlet
2. Check connections. Tighten if
3. A) See Fan Blades and Air
Deflectors, page 10
B) Remove debris from fan
and fan guard area
C) Turn fan by hand. If fan is
hard to turn, see Pump, page
D) See steps B and C under
item 1 above
Note: Be sure to reset motor
overload protector by pressing
reset button on top of motor
4. Press and release flame-out
control reset button. See
Figure 4, page 4 for button
5. Replace flame-out control
6. Replace power relay
7. Replace thermostat
8. Turn fan by hand. If fan is hard
to turn, see Pump, page 12
1. No power or low voltage at
heater due to:
A) Damaged power cord or
extension cord
B) Wrong size extension cord
C) Heater plugged into outlet
with voltage lower than 120
2. Loose electrical connections
3. Motor overload protector
tripped due to:
A) Dirty fan
B) Debris pulled into fan area
by fan
C) Binding pump
D) Low voltage
4. Flame-out control not reset
5. Damaged flame-out control
6. Damaged power relay
7. Damaged thermostat
8. Binding pump