110098-01F 5
Figure 4 - Flame-Out Control Reset
Reset Button
CAUTION: Never unplug
heater while heater is running.
Heater must go through purge
cycle. The purge cycle cools the
combustion chamber. Damage
to heater can occur if combus-
tion chamber is not cooled. Do
not restart heater until purge
cycle is complete.
1. Turn thermostat dial to lowest temperature
setting. This will cause heater flame to go
out. The motor will continue to run during the
purge cycle. This allows the fan to cool the
combustion chamber. When the purge cycle
is finished, the motor will stop. Do not unplug
heater until purge cycle is finished.
2. Unplug extension cord from outlet.
3. To temporarily
stop heater, set thermostat at
a temperature lower than air around heater.
Heater will cycle back on if air temperature
around heater matches thermostat setting.
CAUTION: Do not restart
heater until purge cycle is fin-
ished. The purge cycle cools the
combustion chamber.
1. Wait until purge cycle is finished after stopping
2. Repeat steps under To Start Heater
, page 4.
Note: If shipping transport companies require fuel
tanks to be empty.
1. Drain all fuel from fuel lines and pump/filter
(see Fuel Filters, page 12).
2. Clean and flush fuel filter in fuel pump if
equipped (see Fuel Filters, page 12).
3. Remove drain plug and drain fuel tank.
4. Replace drain plug.
5. If any debris is noted in old fuel, add 1 or 2
quarts of clean kerosene to tank, stir and drain
again. This will prevent excess debris from
clogging filters during future use.
6. Replace fuel cap or drain plug. Properly dis
pose of old and dirty fuel. Check with local
automotive service stations that recycle oil.
7. Add two gallons (350,000 Btu/Hr) or three
gallons (600,000 Btu/Hr) of clean kerosene,
#1#2 diesel/fuel oil, JET A or JP-8 fuels to
fuel tank.
8. Replace fuel cap.
9. Operate heater for 5 minutes (see
page 4).
10. Stop heater and let cool completely.
11. Remove drain plug and drain fuel tank.
12. Replace drain plug.
13. Properly dispose of old and dirty fuel.
14. If storing, store heater in a dry location.
Make sure storage place is free of dust and
corrosive fumes.
IMPORTANT: Do not store kerosene over summer
months for use during next heating season. Using
old fuel could damage heater.