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48 Owner’s Manual
Fog driving
Fog driving notifies you when an intersection is approaching. This safety
feature helps you be aware of possible incoming traffic and traffic signals,
which is especially important during foggy conditions. When approaching a
4-way intersection, you will hear a special “dong” tone.
When Fog Driving is on, a check mark appears next to it on the Safety
Features submenu of the Features menu.
To toggle Fog Driving on or off tap the
menu, tap
Safety Features
and then tap
Fog Driving
Favorite Locations
Your Favorite Locations list can help you select destinations very quickly. You
can add a location to your Favorite Locations list from the map, or while
selecting a destination. You can edit the name of a favorite on the Edit
Favorites screen.
NOTE: If you are in 3D display mode you cannot add a location to your Favorite
Locations list from the map.
To add to your Favorite Locations from the map:
Tap and hold on a location on the map. A popup menu appears.
Ta p
Add Origin to Favorites
. The Save Location in Favorites screen