Owner’s Manual 39
NOTE: If you tap on a Point of Interest, the POI(s) at Current Location screen
appears, listing the Points of Interest. You can tap NAV to navigate to the Point
of Interest or tap the red X to return to the map. POI icons can be tapped in 3D
To view location information:
Tap and hold on a location on the map. A popup menu appears.
Ta p
. The Location Information screen appears.
Ta p
when you are done with the Location Information screen.
Maneuver detail
Maneuver detail shows a close-up view of your current location as you travel
to your destination. When navigating, the route you turn onto next is listed at
the top, with the direction of your turn in the left corner and the remaining
distance to the turn in the right. Below the distance a bar indicates how
much of this segment has been traveled. If you do not have a GPS
connection, Maneuver detail shows the last known location. Your current
location is listed at the bottom.