
Black Mark Sensing Command Mode
Forward Seek Black Mark ESC Q F n CR
This command sets the printer to black mark seek mode using a forward feed operation. The value of forward feed is
determined by the user in dot lines (n) where 0 n 255 dots. Each dot line corresponds to 0.250mm. If the black
mark is found, the printer responds with the command “Black Mark Found”, otherwise the printer responds with the
command “Black Mark not Found”. Both escape sequence responses are described below.
Example: The following escape sequence advances the paper 80 dot lines looking for a Black Mark.
Escape Sequence: ESC Q F P CR
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 46 50 0D
Decimal: 27 81 70 80 13
Reverse Seek Black Mark ESC Q B n CR
This command causes the printer to seek black mark using backward feed until n dot line feeds have been processed;
each dot line feed is 0.25mm.
Not the using this command can cause a paper jam since the paper is advanced in reverse mode. The results may vary
depending on the media used in the printer.
Black Mark Found (Response from printer) ESC Q ? ? n1, n2
This message is sent to the host and indicates that a black mark has been found. The numbers n1 and n2 are the high
and the low nibble, respectively, describing how many (0.25mm) dot lines were required to find black mark.
Black Mark Not Found (Response from Printer) ESC Q 0 0 n1 n2
This message is sent to the host and indicates that a black mark has not been found. The numbers n1 and n2 are the
high and the low nibble, respectively, describing how many (0.25mm) dot lines were processed before reporting black
mark not found.
Black Mark Sensing Auto Mode
Enable Front Black Mark Sensor ESC Q f e CR
This command will enable the printer’s front black mark sensor and automatically disable the BACK
side sensor.
Escape Sequence: ESC Q f e CR
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 66 65 0D
Decimal: 27 81 102 101 13
Disable Front Black Mark Sensor ESC Q f d CR
This command disables the printer’s front black mark sensor.
Escape Sequence: ESC Q f d CR
Hexadecimal: 1B 51 66 64 0D
Decimal: 27 81 102 100 13