
z bar code is non-human readable
t barcode type.
n number of character bytes in data array. 1 n 255
h height of bar code printed in increments of 0.125mm
data n characters to be encoded in the barcode.
*The parameters for the PDF417 barcode differ from the Linear Barcodes. See PDF-417 specifications for more detail.
Note that all barcodes are printed with the minimum bar width (“x-dimension”) of 0.250mm, in compliance with the respective
official specification.
Print Bar Code with Human Readable Text ESC Z t n h data CR LF
This command prints a barcode with Human Readable Text below the barcode. Refer to the parameters of the prior command.
Z Indicates human readable
Code 39 Specifications
Each symbol starts with Leading Quiet Zone, followed with Start Symbol, Data Symbols, ending with
Stop Symbol and Trailing Quiet Zone
Character set
36 alphanumeric (0-9, A-Z) and '-' 'space' '$' '/' '+' '%'
Note: Only capital letters are supported.
Elements per symbol:
9 (5 bars, 4 spaces)
Character density
6.25 CPI
Bar width
0.25mm (narrow to wide ratio of 1:3).
Characters per line
2 Inch printer
: 9 alphanumeric with auto center (maximum)
3 Inch printer
: 12 alphanumeric with auto center (maximum)
4 Inch printer
: 22 alphanumeric with auto center (maximum)
Example: The following command will print human readable barcode “CODE 39” of 1mm high (0.125*8= 1mm).
Escape Sequence: Esc Z 1 7 8 C O D E - 3 9 CR LF
Hexadecimal: 1B 5A 31 07 08 43 4F 44 45 2D 33 39 0D 0A
Decimal: 27 90 49 7 8 67 79 68 69 45 51 57 13 10