
Chapter 5 IEEE 1284 Parallel Interface
NOTE: The length of the data cable from the host computer to the
printer should not exceed 10 meters (32 feet).
19 Signal Ground (nStrobe)
20 Signal Ground (Data 1)
21 Signal Ground (Data 2)
22 Signal Ground (Data 3)
23 Signal Ground (Data 4)
24 Signal Ground (Data 5)
25 Signal Ground (Data 6)
26 Signal Ground (Data 7)
27 Signal Ground (Data 8)
28 Signal Ground (PError, Select, nAck)
29 Signal Ground (Busy, nFault)
30 Signal Ground (nAutoFd, nSelectIn, nInit)
31 Host nInit
32 Printer NFault nDataAvail aDataAvail
33 Not Defined
34 Not Defined
35 Not Defined
36 Host nSelectIn 1284 Active 1284 Active
Table 4. 1284 Signals (continued)
Pin Source of Data
Type of Mode
Compatible Nibble Byte