IGP/VGL Emulation
Offpage Errors
• Disable. Does not report errors for elements that start or end
beyond the right edge of the page.
• Enable. Reports errors for elements that start or end beyond the
right edge of the page.
Barcode Errors
• Enable. An error message will print when invalid bar code data is
• Disable. Code V will not print an error for illegal bar code data; the
bar code will be skipped.
NOTE: When Barcode Errors is disabled, the Code V emulation will try
to make the best use of invalid data by either truncating extra
digits or adding zeros to the end of bar code data to meet
minimum data length requirements for some bar codes. Not all
errors will be corrected.
Ignore / DB8 Setup
Following are several options which define character filtering and data
bit 8.
Ignore Nulls
• Disable. None of the null characters (hex 00 or hex 80) are
• Enable. Null characters are filtered out of the data stream.
Data Bit 8
• Enable. The PI line is not passed directly from host to printer; all 8
bits are used for data bits, and characters in the hex 80-FF range
can be accessed.
• Disable. When the host PI line is enabled, data bit 8 internally
indicates PI line status. To use the PI line, disable data bit 8, and
enable the Host PI configuration option (under the PI Control
option, below).