2 Overview ENWW
You can use the HP Embedded Web Server to view product and network status and to manage
printing functions from your computer, rather than at the product control panel. With the
HP Embedded Web Server, you can perform these tasks:
● View control-panel messages and product-status information.
● Determine the remaining life for all supplies and configure specific ordering information for
● Gain access to the product's technical support page.
● Gain access to specific support for recent product events.
● Add or customize links to other Web sites.
● View and change product configuration, such as tray configurations.
● View and change network configuration.
● View and print information pages, such as the Configuration page.
● Receive alerts about product events, such as when the product is low on supplies, through
● Select the language in which to display the HP Embedded Web Server screens.
● Print to an HP product without having to install the product printer driver.
● Conserve energy by scheduling the product sleep delay so that the product will go into sleep
mode after a period of time of not being used.
● Schedule wakeup times for each day so that the product has finished initializing and
calibrating by the time it is to be used.
● Send product configuration and supplies usage information periodically to your service
Additional features with a permanent storage device
If you have a permanent storage device installed in your product, such as a hard disk, you can
view, set up, and retain additional information.
● Alerts. Set up four different destination lists, with up to 20 recipients on each of the four lists.
(Without the permanent storage device, you can send alerts to only four e-mail addresses.)
● Other Links. Add up to five additional links to the Web sites of your choice. (Without the
extra storage, you can add one additional link.)
A hard disk might be installed in your product, depending on the product model. If your product
does not have a hard disk, you might be able to order one. For more information, see the user
guide that came with your product, or go to:
HP Web Jetadmin and the HP Embedded Web Server
HP Web Jetadmin is a Web-based system management tool that you can use with a Web
browser. The HP Embedded Web Server and HP Web Jetadmin work together to meet all of
your product-management needs. You can use the software to install and manage networked
products effectively. Network administrators can manage networked products remotely, from
practically anywhere.
The HP Embedded Web Server provides a simple, easy-to-use solution for one-to-one product
management in environments that have a limited number of products. However, in environments
that have several products, you might want to use HP Web Jetadmin to manage groups of
products. With HP Web Jetadmin you can discover, manage, and configure multiple products
HP Web Jetadmin is available from HP online support (http://www.hp.com/go/webjetadmin