ENWW AutoSend 31
Use the AutoSend screen to send product-configuration and supplies-usage information
periodically to your service provider. This feature establishes a relationship with Hewlett-Packard
Company or another service provider to provide you with services that include, but are not
limited to, toner replacement, pay-per-page contracts, support agreements, and usage tracking.
The following illustration, table, and procedure describe how to use this screen.
With a permanent storage device installed, such as a hard disk, you can add up to twenty e-mail
addresses. (Without the permanent storage device, you can add one e-mail address.) The
following example is for a product that does have a permanent storage device installed.
Send to HP (Hewlett-Packard Online Privacy Statement)
Callout Area on the screen Information or capability that the area provides
EWS tabs and menus For more information, see “Navigating through the HP Embedded
Web Server” on page 5.
Enable AutoSend Select this check box to turn on the AutoSend feature.
Send every [interval] Select the interval at which you want the product to send the
product configuration and supplies usage information to the
destinations that are configured in the E-Mail destinations field.
E-Mail destinations Save a list of up to 20 e-mail addresses to receive the
product-configuration information. Each e-mail address can be
up to 50 characters long.