Chapter 9. Upgrading CloudPlatform to the Latest Version
Global Parameter Value
system.vm.random.password true
xapiwait 60
• If you are using LDAP authentication, change the default values based on the LDAP server that you
are using:
LDAP Attribute OpenLDAP Active Directory
ldap.user.object inetOrgPerson user
ldap.username.attribute uid sAMAccountName
ldap.group.object groupOfUniqueNames group
ldap.group.user.uniquemember uniquemember member
9.2. Upgrading from 4.2.x to 4.5.0
This section explains how to upgrade from CloudPlatform version 4.2.x to version 4.5.
Pre-Upgrade Procedure
1. Register the latest System VM templates.
For more information about the latest, hypervisor-specific system VM templates, refer to
Appendix A, Latest System VM Templates
CloudPlatform fails to create system VMs if you have provisioned your cloud infrastructure
on VMWare hypervisor. This occurs on each zone in your environment that is provisioned on
VMWare hypervisor.
This failure logs the following error message:
Message: Unable to unpack snapshot OVA file at: /var/cloudstack/mnt/
To avoid this failure, you must manually run the following command on the templates folder
after you register the new VMWare system VM template.
chmod -R 0777 /path_to_secondary_storage_mount_point/template/
2. Download the latest System VM to all the primary storages using the prepareTemplate API.