Chapter 5. Installing CloudPlatform Management Server
For more information on installing MySQL database on a separate node, see Section,
“Installing and Configuring MySQL Database on a Standalone Server ”
• dbpassword - Specify the password to be assigned to the cloud user. You can choose to
provide no password.
• dbhost - Provide the hostname or IP address of the database node.
This argument will not be available if you have configured MySQL database on the same
node where you have installed CloudPlatform Management Server.
• deploy-as - Specify the user name and password of the user deploying the database. For
example, if you originally installed MySQL with user “root” and password “password”, provide --
• (Optional) encryption_type - Use file or web to indicate the technique used to pass in the
database encryption password. Default: file.
• (Optional) management_server_key - Substitute the default key that is used to encrypt
confidential parameters in the CloudPlatform properties file. Default: password. Citrix
recommends you to replace this with a more secure value.
• (Optional) database_key - Substitute the default key that is used to encrypt confidential
parameters in the CloudPlatform database. Default: password. Citrix recommends you to
replace this with a more secure value.
# cloudstack-setup-databases cloud:<dbpassword>@<dbhost> --deploy-as=root:<password> -e
<encryption_type> -m <management_server_key> -k <database_key>
5. Run a script that sets up iptables, rules, and SELinux for use by Management Server. This script
will also chkconfig off and start Management Server.
# cloudstack-setup-management
6. To mount the secondary storage on your Management Server, first you create a mount point
for secondary storage. For example:
# mkdir -p /mnt/secondary
For more information on configuring NFS shares, see Section 4.1.9, “Configuring Network File
System (NFS) Shares ”
7. Mount the secondary storage on your Management Server. Replace the example NFS server
name and NFS share paths below with your own.
# mount -t nfs nfsservername:/nfs/share/secondary /mnt/secondary