r in normal operations mode, press the ACCUM key. The display will
change to show ACCUMULATOR=.
2. Pres ight
3. Pres rinted.
4. Pres nd return to
To ZERO the Net Weight accumulator:
1. With the indicator in normal operations mode, press the ACCUM key. The display
t Weight Accumulator
To VIEW and PRINT the Net Weight accumulator:
1. With the indicato
s th NET GROSS y. The display ill chan to show the Net Wee / ke w ge
mul or v lue. at a
s the PRINT key. The value for the Net Weight accumulator will be p
s the ENTER key or ESC (press SHIFT and then ←⎯ ) key to exit a
al operation.
will change to show ACCUMULATOR=.
2. Press the NET/GROSS key. The display will change to show the Net Weight
accumulator value.
3. Press the ZERO or ←⎯ (BACKSPACE) key.
4. The value for the Net Weight accumulator will be reset to zero.
5. Press the ENTER key or ESC (press SHIFT and then ←⎯ ) key to exit and return to
normal operation.
Gross Weight Accumulator
To VIEW and PRINT the Gross Weight accumulator:
1. With the indicator in normal operations mode, press the key. The display
will change to show ACCUMULATOR=.
2. Press the NET/GROSS key twiceU
3 printed.
4 ) key
To ZERO the Gross Weight accumulator:
1. With the indicator in normal operations mode, press the ACCUM key. The display
will change to show ACCUMULATOR=.
. The display will change to show the Gross
Weight accumulator value.
. Press the PRINT key. The value for the Gross Weight accumulator will be
. Press the NET/GROSS key, ENTER key or ESC (press SHIFT and then ←⎯
to exit and return to normal operation.
2. Press the NET/GROSS key tw
U iceU. The display will change to show the Gross
Weight accumulator value.
3. Press the ZERO or ←⎯ (BACKSPACE) key.
The Gross Weight accumulator will be reset to zero. 4.
r key
5. P
ess the NET/GROSS key, ENTER key or ESC (press SHIFT and then ←⎯ )
exit and return to normal operation.
8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation
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