Standard Function Keys, Cont.
Pressing this key will add the displayed Gross or Net weight or Piece Count to the
associated accumulator and initiate the transmission of weight and other data selected
during setup to the printer output port UunlessU the continuous data feature of the port was
enabled during calibration and setup.
NOTE! The indicator will not respond to the Print command unless the weight
display is stable. If displaying Gross weight, the only weight printed is Gross
weight. If displaying Net weight, the Gross, Tare, and Net weights are printed.
The Model 225 includes support for Cardinal’s
proprietary VISUALIZER Ticket and Label
Generation Software. VISUALIZER is a PC based
program that can design a ticket or label then
download the ticket information to the indicator.
The program also allows file transfer between the
indicator and the PC.
10:19 07/23/2008
100.00 lb G
20.00 lb T
80.00 lb N
0.00 lb GROSS
272.00 lb NET ACCUM
The 225 allows six programmable formats in
addition to the standard print tab settings format.
Print formats are selected by using the SHIFT and
PRINT keys in combination (refer to the Shift Key
section for details). NOTE! When the PRINT key
is pressed the indicator looks for the selected
format. If no VISUALIZER ticket is found it reverts
to the print tab settings.
8200-M538-O1 y 225 Installation
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