88 Video
• You can also add to the playlist just the video snapshot scenes you
want to watch and arrange their playback order.
• Initializing a memory card will permanently erase any music files you
may have transferred from the supplied Camcorder Supplemental Disc
to the card. (b The music files that come pre-installed in the built-in
memory will be restored connected to the computer.)
- Windows users: Use the supplied software ImageMixer 3 SE to
transfer music files from the supplied Camcorder Supplemental Disc
to a memory card connected to the computer. For details, refer to the
‘ImageMixer 3 SE Software Guide’ (PDF file).
- Mac OS users: Use Finder to transfer music files from the [MUSIC]
folder on the supplied Camcorder Supplemental Disc to a memory
card connected to the computer. Refer to About the music files
(0 189) for the folder structure of the memory card.
• Transfer music files from the supplied Camcorder Supplemental Disc to
the memory card that contains the recordings you want to play back
with background music when the memory card is connected to a com-