Additional Information 183
Using a memory card
* Approximate times for recording with repeated operations such as start/stop,
zooming, and power on/off.
7 TL-H37 Tele-converter
This Tele-converter lens increases the
focal length of the camcorder lens by a
factor of 1.5.
• The image stabilizer is not as effective
when the Tele-converter is attached.
• The minimum focusing distance at full
telephoto with the TL-H37 is 2.3 m.
• When the Tele-converter is attached, a shadow may appear in the pic-
ture when you use the flash.
8 WD-H37ll Wide-converter
This Wide-converter lens decreases
focal length by a factor of 0.7, giving you
a wide perspective for indoor shots or
panoramic views.
• When the Wide-converter is attached,
a shadow may appear in the picture
when you use the flash.
Battery pack Usage time
Recording mode
Recording (maximum)
100 min. 105 min. 105 min. 105 min. 105 min.
Recording (typical)* 65 min. 65 min. 65 min. 70 min. 70 min.
Playback 165 min. 165 min. 170 min. 170 min. 170 min.
Recording (maximum)
205 min. 210 min. 215 min. 215 min. 215 min.
Recording (typical)* 135 min. 135 min. 135 min. 135 min. 135 min.
Playback 330 min. 330 min. 340 min. 340 min. 345 min.
Recording (maximum)
315 min. 315 min. 330 min. 330 min. 330 min.
Recording (typical)* 205 min. 210 min. 210 min. 210 min. 210 min.
Playback 510 min. 510 min. 520 min. 525 min. 525 min.