The CANON Stream Punch is a machine that punches various die set hole patterns
into single sheets of paper. The machine is placed between a printer / copier and a
finisher. There are two paper paths. One is the bypass section, which does not
punch paper. The other is the punch path. The punch path can be selected by
pressing the green button on the top of the Stream Punch.
The Stream Punch consists of several input / output devices to operate the machine
functions. The system intelligence is a Microchip micro-controller PIC17C752. The
present code is written in Microchip assembler. The list of I/O devices is:
Refer to the electrical wiring information, when reading the following material.
Sensor 1 Optical Starts machine motors, Sheet speed measurement, Jam detect
Sensor 2 Optical Stepper 1 control, Sheet speed measurement, Jam detect
Sensor 3 Optical Punch mechanism control, Backstop raiser, Jam detect
Sensor 4 Optical Jam detect at entrance of U-Channel
Sensor 5 Optical Jam detect at exit of U-Channel
Sensor 6 Optical Stepper 2 Control, Jam detect
Sensor 7 Optical Exit sensor, Jam detect
Sensor 8 Optical Bypass sensor, Sheet speed measurement, Jam detect
Sensor 9 Optical Vane Monitors rotation of punch mechanism, Controls clutch and brake
Switch 1 Keypad Selects punch mode
Switch 2A Mechanical Interlock Voltage, no machine movement if door is open
Switch 2B Mechanical Door open signal
Switch 3 Mechanical Chip tray switch
Switch 4 Mechanical Die Set switch
Diverter DC Solenoid Diverts paper from bypass to punch sections
Brake DC Brake Stops the punch mechanism, keeps it in correct position
Clutch DC Clutch Clutches the punch mechanism to drive through paper
Backstop DC Solenoid Provides stop for paper to rest against during punching
Transport AC Motor Provides paper movement through machine
Punch AC Motor Provides power to punch the paper
Stepper 1 PWM Signal Controls Stepper Motor 1
Winding On / Off signal for stepper holding current
Stepper 2 PWM Signal Controls Stepper Motor 2
Winding On / Off signal for stepper holding current
Punch Input Printer turns on Punch enabled mode (not presently
Motor Input Printer turns on Stream Punch Motor
Jam Output Punch signals a jam or the door is open (no operation
Tray /
Output Punch indicates tray or die set missing (bypass only