Following the steps above, the Hyper Terminal Screen should look like this:
Professional Puncher A1
Ver.: XX.XX
BOOTLOADER> Downloading ...
Successful download of Professional Punch A1
Ver.: XX.XX
Begin downloading .hex file or enter a command listed below in <>:
<G>o execute the new downloaded code or display code <V>ersion
Professional Puncher A1
Ver.: XX.XX
Executing Professional Puncher A1
Ver.: XX.XX
Press <Enter> to run Bootloader or <ESC> if machine is always BUSY
If using a USB to Serial Cable with cable software installed: (Preferred
Load Windows Application file: Hyper Terminal.
From Hyper Terminal File Tab:
Open: boot load.ht
From Hyper Terminal Screen
Press Enter Key:
Press V for current software version number and name
Pro Punch A1
Ver.: 04.14
Select Hyper Terminal Transfer Tab:
Send Text File
Select file MID_0414.hex or MID_0415.hex
BOOTLOADER> Downloading ...
0xF00000 (Note: This value will increment as the download continues)
Successful download of Professional Punch A1
Ver.: 04.15
Begin downloading .hex file or enter a command listed below in <>:
<G>o execute the new downloaded code or display code <V>ersion
Press V for version number (must be CAPITAL LETTER)
Professional Punch A1
Ver.: 04.15
Press G to install new code (must be CAPITAL LETTER)